Whispers in the Dark
Video for Manchester Metropolitan's University Storytelling + Machine: AI conference
This video project, inspired by Liu Cixin's 'The Dark Forest' theory, delves into the complex interplay between artificial intelligence, existential threats, and the future of communication and narrative.
Liu Cixin imagines the universe as a dark, dense forest in the Three-Body Problem series.
Every civilization is a hidden hunter, armed and dangerous, avoiding detection to survive. In this forest, survival means staying silent.
Any signal could reveal your location to a predator. The unknown is feared, and the potential for hostility is high.
Consider our digital world, the Internet, where information flows freely. AI is the hunter, and every piece of data we share is a beacon. In this digital forest, we must be cautious. AI-driven predators, such as scammers and hackers, exploit our data for malicious purposes.
Phishing attacks become more convincing with AI, analysing our behaviour to create personalized and sophisticated scams. Stay vigilant and protect your digital presence.
In this vast digital forest, our safety depends on our awareness and caution.
You never know who will be targeted next.
